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During World War II a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as “The Basterds” are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. The Basterds soon cross paths with a French-Jewish teenage girl who runs a movie theater in Paris which is targeted by the soldiers


I know it is very surprising to find a “non” Quentin Tarantino believer out there but after watching his lastest film Inglorious Bastards my faith has been restored , so much so in-fact that I am going to have myself a mini ‘ Tarantino movie marathon just to catch up on what I’ve been missing ?

Tarantino is better known for movies such as ; Grindhouse , From Dusk Til Dawn , Four Rooms , Sin City and Death Proof.

His lastest film INGLORIOUS BASTARDS  is in keeping with true Tarantino black comedy /slasher style ,

I was invoked by the incredible tension and anticipation this film conveyed right from the very moment of  the opening scene and throughout this films duration I was so covinced  amused and repulsed by the unfolding events that were  transpiring  that I felt I was emotionally sharing the anxiety, empathy and humour  being conveyed through each and every performance

Not only does this film offer gruesome portions of contemptible and repulsive violence in true Tarantino style but it also mixes up and confuses your emotions in synchronicity with injections of incredible humour and visual style

INGLORIOUS BASTARDS features a brilliant cast such as the likes of  Brad Pitt ( Lt .Aldo Raine ) , Mike Myers ( General Ed Fenech ) Julie Dreyfus ( Francesca Mondino ) Rod Taylor (Winston Churchill )  just to name a few accomponied by a superb storyline that is backed up by incredible performances, this film will defiantly leave you wanting more …


I highly recommend  INGLORIOUS BASTARDS 

I rate it 10/ 10


Opens in Cinemas Australia wide  August 20 -2009


running time 2 hours 32 minutes


About darkspypublications

Hi I am Trieste Visier the Editor of a hardcopy Newspaper called Darkspy.Publications , in Sydney Darkspy.Publications was established in 1999 and is distributed / circulated free throughout the Sydney and Melbourne Metropolitan buisness and entertainment areas Darkspy.Publications incorporates a vast array of interesting articles and features about world events , the latest Celebrity news and gossip plus reviews on Music ,Entertainment , Food Fashion , People , Lifestyles , Movies , Annual Boating - Atomotive / Home /Garden / Animal-Pets and Lifestyle shows , ttheme park attractions - events plus much much more… Darkspy.Publications targets age groups from 15-35 years of age Over the coming months ahead Darkspy.Publications as usual will be giving all readers the chance to enter some Fun ,Cool and all new competitions for the chance win some great prizes such as double passes to the latest kick ass movies , cool street wear , double passes to " theme park attractions and other rocking events " So keep an eye spied out for those .. Darkspy.Publications wants your feedback and once a month rewards a lucky reader with a prize so make it your mission to keep the comments coming... cheers from the Editor Trieste Visier

3 responses to “INGLORIOUS BASTARDS -review

  1. hockwalt

    Although a work of fiction….based on fact…. I was thoroughly entertained by this film. It has an engrossing masterful screenplay.Tarantino stirred my emotions while making so many insightful comments on the human psyche. From the SS officers visit to the farm ;to the stand off in the pub…to the “Carrie” inspired scene(I won’t give it away) it was one of the most engossing 2.5 hours I’ve spent in a cinema in a very long time. It was well acted by all…a tribute to the passionate directing.

  2. biz

    This is the great movie. Tarantino always makes a different movies. This movie is is special too.

  3. If you can like this movie then it pains me to wonder what you consider bad. Christopher Hitchens got it right: sitting through it for him was like “sitting in the dark having a great pot of warm piss emptied very slowly over your head.” The one part of your review I agree with is “gruesome portions of contemptible and repulsive violence.” Indeed, though how you see this as something positive is beyond me.

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